Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Naval Biliran Educational System by jsalee

Posted by BANGKAL NEWS at 7:33 PM Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Naval/Biliranons desire is to have an affordable college education. From a simple Naval High School to a higher-level Naval Institute of Technology. It is the first Chartered State College in Biliran and hoping to acquire a University status in Biliran Province. Coupled with the hard work of our spirited President, Dr. Edita S. Genson, this is achievable in the near future.
It is important to recognize that the island is a continuum of education… pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary level. Education avenues are changing to grasp in the globalize future.
There are tremendous opportunities available for every student who earned modern education. However, teaching techniques and teachers’ knowledge must be upgraded, too.
Naval Institute of Technology has started offering Law course while it’s Hotel and Restaurant Management has reached global competitiveness.
In this world, the role of the teacher has never been more important. The problem is that, at the moment, we do not use our teachers’ time effectively and productively in the classroom. We must use our teachers now to deliver content and facts. In many cases, these facts can be delivered more effectively by using it.
Given good opportunities, Navalians are smart people and have the ability to communicate effectively in real time. However though, the school also needs to equip itself with the latest hardware technology. These will aid the teachers’ eagerness to impart their upgraded skills to their students. Many years ago, Naval’s education status has neither rank nor distinction. But now, we can see remarkable achievements, most visibly under Dr Edita Genson’s leadership.
At the turn of another century, mankind is entering a knowledge-based economy. Innovation in education has become extremely urgent. We need to transform the Biliran Province populace into valuable human resources. We need to create a modern education for the island’s future. We encourage all Naval/Biliran students to cultivate a scientific spirit and creative thinking.
In resent days Naval Institute of Technology reaches beyond its shores. With the current educational program, it reaches overseas--- Singapore, USA, Japan, Malaysia and more to come. Soon, NIT graduates will become world class-professionals.

Naval Institute of Technology moves on…by: Jhune s.a. Lee

Posted by BANGKAL NEWS at 10:24 AM / Saturday, April 21, 2007

From a lowly school to a bold-emergent institution… Naval Institute of Technology (NIT) is one.

Spearheaded by indubitably capable persona, Dr. Edita Genson, President of NIT, has embrace globalization to the academe world. Preparing its students to sparingly compete for a globalize future. Level up opportunities for all its students by opening and providing greater educational support. She instills in students’ mindset the need to work smarter in order to thrive amidst the stiff competition. Working smart means preparing each student to self-awareness, so that they can kick-start new ideas and solve problems as they come up, including those that they haven’t encounter before. And stays resilient in the face of challenges. Learn to play in a team and communication effectively, real time.
NIT is apparently in its right track. There is no single solution in education for developing these skills of the future. Dr Genson believes that this is also something that doesn’t end when students leave school. We need a plethora of opportunities for life-long learning, molding each student to think and communicate on their feet, work well in teams, and meet set-backs with confidence.
There is a further, critical dimension to educating our students for the future, and which matters more to Dr Genson’s vision for NIT than to most other recognized schools. Developing a global outlook in each NIT students is therefore her important strategy. She wants to nurture each student to be culturally versatile, confident of their own identity, and beaming with pride to be a NITean-educated.
NIT’s Dr Genson is moving quickly to this direction by providing more overseas opportunities for its student so that they get a sense of the complexities and opportunities in the region. And if this is done well, it will give every NIT student an advantage in time to come.
The fundamental purpose of education is to bring forth our best and deepest qualities. From the beginning to this present day, leading educators are calling our schools to address the whole person. Fortunately, certain schools support this holistic approach, some of them in response to contemporary proposals for educational reform.Our education reflects our basic views of human potential. If we do not recognize our greater possibilities, we are unlikely to conceive an education that encourages us. The enhanced perceptual and communication abilities, intuitive knowing, and capacities for love we’ve described, which lead us toward a greater calling and mission, can and must be nurtured. An education that did so would bring forth virtues of heart and soul as well as skills.I believe that education’s greatest mandate is to inspire students a sense of potential greatness in this stupendous, ever-evolving universe. In doing this, it can help us find the deepest vocation as well as powers through which we can contribute to the world in general.Thanks for Dr. Edita S. Genson’s valuable hard-work in pursuit of building Naval Institute of Technology a producer of world-class professionals.

DR. EDITA S. GENSON go global....

Posted by BANGKAL NEWS at 10:25 AM Thursday, April 19, 2007
I receive three educations, one from my parents, one from Naval Institute of Technology, and one from the world. The third contradicts all that the first two teach me...
...see how leh!
Dr Editha Sabonsolin Genson